Cash Buyer Of Apartments In Orange County

Apartment Landlording

We all know the benefits of owning income property-- rental income, tax benefits and appreciation over time, to name a few.  But there are downsides to consider as well.  Owning rentals can be time consuming, there are uneven cash flows from delinquent rent, dealing with bad tenants and overall real estate market volitility.   If owning rentals has you exhausted, Urban Street stands ready to provide a fair market price for your property.  

before and after of apartment rehab

We Buy Orange County Apartments

Orange County encompasses a large geographic area. We actively buy apartments throughout the county. We structure our cash offers to accommodate the seller's specific needs.

  • Foreclosure
  • Bankruptcy
  • Tenant Issues
  • Property Violations
  • Divorce
  • Probate Sale
  • Job Relocation
  • Short Sale
  • Downsizing
  • Hoarder House
  • Fire Damage
  • Mold Damage
  • Avoid Public Exposure
  • Late On Mortgage

Urban Street Makes The Apartment Selling Process Hassle Free

house with graffiti


We buy apartments in as is condition. It doesn't matter if what shape your property is in. We are experienced buyers who work with heavy rehab, fire damage, mold, etc., on a regular basis.

inglewood apartment


We buy apartment buildings with or without tenants. If all or some units are occupied, we will need to get rent data in order to generate a cash offer.

escrow sign


If you need to sell quickly in order to raise cash, we can close fast. We have real cash, so no need to search for money. You let us know what escrow period you need and we'll make it happen.

los angeles apartment


If some tenants are troublesome or are not paying rent, that is ok. We are prepared to tackle those issues after close of escrow. We are very familiar with eviction law and rent control.

Selling Your Orange County Apartment?

Check out the advantages of selling to Urban Street Ventures

Apartment Buying FAQ's

How fast can you close?

We can close within 30 days. If you are facing a time-sensitive sale due to an impending foreclosure or another matter, we can speed up the process and close escrow sooner, if needed.

Does it matter what my occupancy rate is?

Your occupancy rate, the ratio of rented apartments to the total number of apartment units, does not matter to us. We are just as happy to buy a fully occupied apartment as we are a fully vacant property.

Do you have a minimum or a maximum number of apartment units required?

No, we do not have any requirements on minimum or maximum number of apartment units. We buy all types of real estate rental types, including duplexes, small apartment buildings, and large apartment buildings. 

Does it matter what class my apartment building is designated as?

No, it does not matter. We know that apartment buildings come in a variety of forms, and we are interested in all apartment complexes, regardless of their class designation. These include:

  • Class “A:” Newer rentals with first-class amenities.
  • Class “B:” Up to 20 years old, with few amenities.
  • Class “C:” Up to 30 years old, in need of repairs.
  • Class “D:” Over 30+ years old. Needs repairs.

What if my apartment offering is in rent control?

Rent control is a growing fact of life in California.  Many local municipalities are jumping on the band wagon and instituting their own version of rent control.  At the state level, California passed AB 1482 which instituted state rent control.  Urban Street is well versed in rent control and welcomes the opportunity to purchase rent controlled apartments.

what do you look for when underwriting an apartment deal?

We look at several key metrics. Some of the most important are:

  • Current rents versus market rents
  • Bedroom/bath count of each apartment unit
  • Property condition
  • Gross Rent Multiplier and Cap Rate
  • Average Unit Size

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A fellow agent told me Urban Street was a reputable cash buyer who would give my client a fair cash offer. My Seller could not afford to fix city violations. Urban Street gave them a firm closing date, paid their closing costs and purchased the property in the as-is condition. Everyone was happy.
Gerald Clark testimonial
Jim P.
R.E. Agent


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